The tradition of the responsible designer addresses our combined role as engaged CITIZENs in the service of social and ecological justice and AS CONTENT producers in the service of capitalism.

to whom are we responsible? Our clients? our planet? our communities? our own north star? our rights as a community art workers?

How do we balance the aesthetics, the passions, and the integrity of our call to make beautiful “stuff” with our substantial role in the engine of economic growth? How do we navigate re-imagining within cultural – and political – norms? How do we use technology responsibly for emancipatory goals while also paying our bills?

The responsible media professional is asked - in our current chaos and authoritarian regime - to resist oppression in all its forms and make contributions, to post research, and to enjoy expressive content.

we will post articles and exhibitions of currency and curiosity, which we hope will sustain your creative spirit in the face of tyranny.

we recognize that we walk in the footsteps of giants, and we honor their many contributions to workers’ rights and to our collective emancipatory energy.

if any of this is of interest TO YOU, please EMAIL me and suggest articles and artists, and we will add you to the fellow-traveler FORUM.